Over this past year, I’ve made it a goal to be grateful for the little things. Rather than viewing a situation in a negative light, I actively choose to find the silver lining. Unsurprisingly, it's made me much more aware of what I should appreciate before it's gone.
If you don’t believe me, try remembering the last time you were sick with a cold. Do you recall laying in bed with a sore throat and headache, telling yourself, “I need to remember what this feels like so I know how lucky I am to breathe through my nose.” Take that deep breath now. Isn’t it so nice?
Now take that thankful mentality and apply it everywhere you can. Appreciate the beauty of a clear sky, the smell of clean laundry, or your project deadline being pushed back. Each of these things adds to your day in ways you don’t notice until they are gone. And if you truly feel as if there is nothing to appreciate in your life, take a look at these little panda bears as a reminder to step back and reassess what your bare necessities are.
Which reminds me, thank you for taking the time to read this. Today, I’m grateful for you.
Talk soon,
Daneisha Kirksey