Artist: Tyrone Whitehorse
Medium: Oil and Acrylic on gesso board
Horseshoe bend (Oil on gesso board) - I grew up a few miles from this place. For years it was ours, hidden from the world. We could admire it's beauty anytime we wanted and did so often. This piece is a reminder of days past.
Lechee Rock (Oil on gesso board) - Every day this mesa stood as a sentinel over my homeland. I saw it everyday and took it's beauty for granted. At sunset is when its glory shone.
Antelope Canyon (Oil on gesso board) - Antelope Canyon was always a hidden treasure of my youth. Many days and nights were spent in her walls exploring. Through her I learned respect for the land and how things can turn treacherous quickly.
Grandma's Hoghan. (Acrylic on gesso board) - My fondest memories were spent in this traditional Navajo home.... My grandmother's home. As the sun setted every evening I could find her and my grandfather praying behind the hoghan, giving thanks for the day and suing for blessings on their home, family, and land.
Cheii (horned toad) (Acrylic on gesso board) - The horned toad is a sacred animal to the Navajo. Stories tell us there was a time when the People were lost and horned toad led is home. Since then we are forever grateful for him and have since called him cheii, our grandfather. Whenever we come across him we pick him up, tell him thank you, give him some corn pollen water and set him loose.
Hobble Creek Sunset (Acrylic on gesso board) - one of the most serene times of my life was watching Hobble Creek canyon fall to the winter night.
Navajo Succulent (Oil on gesso board) - After monsoon rains this ring succulent blossoms in the Arizona desert on my Navajo homeland. It is a pleasant sight among the arid desert sands.
About the Artist: My name is Tyrone Whitehorse. I am a Diné (Navajo) artist. In my lifetime I have chosen to portray scenes from my Navajo homeland. I hope to bring those sights that are so familiar to me to the rest of the world.